Friday, July 25, 2008

Amy Sol

Anyone familiar with this artist's work?

I came across to her work a while ago, from a friend's display picture in MSN. Went to stalk her LiveJournal for a while until she closed it down and moved to her official site. :)

Then few weeks ago, I bought the Curvy magazine and one of her work was featured there. Made me go back and look through her stuff again.

Here are some of my favourite work of her.

I would describe her style as feminine and subtle and sort of playful? I like the way she always uses animals in her work; the interaction between the human figure and the animals are somewhat interesting hehe.

All pictures taken from Amy Sol's official website.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

And so I should start...

...blogging again?

Anyways, will post work here :)