Tuesday, March 24, 2009

City lights' Life is Wonderful

After my last essay last year, I've drawn a lot to street art. Just couldn't seem to not notice it now.. I always find myself staring at the graffiti on the walls when I'm in the train, constantly looking for the name of the artist. See who's tagging what, which group did the massive black and white poster, and which ones ruined it.. lol

And so naturally, when i came across this website... It was instant love bookmark in my browser. I hope you enjoy it as well.

I wish I had the patience to do them. I haven't drawn anything in AGES. As in, other than uni stuff, I haven't done crap. Kinda makes me sad, coz I used to draw a lot, and they were my therapy..

Anyways, these pictures were taken few weeks ago in Hosier lane, when few of my friends decided to paint there.

Until Never Gallery.. wanna go there!

This wasn't the first time we did it. But it's my second time going with them, and like the first time. I didn't do any drawing or painting or any art. But I did paint this:

Yes, Life is Wonderful.