Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Just thought I'd sum up everything I've done this semester in this post.


Brief 1 - Visual Noise

First brief was, to be honest, done really fast. I did experimentation with the effects in Illustrator in classes and on my free time, but I didn't really document them. So I submitted the very first scratch pad that I did in class, since that's the only one I had with me. I like to use texture, and I never knew I cold use texture in Illustrator, so I think I might have over did it..


Brief 2 - Visual Fiction

I have a little obsession for sheep. And thought this would be a fun thing to do as a concept. I stamped-tool a LOT, and for some bits on the edge I re-painted the fur.


Brief 3 - Transition

I've missed few classes during this project, so I had a little hard time using After Effects, but I think I've managed alright. Rotating was fun to do. My original idea was to have a singing vocal too, but I realized synching them would be so damn hard, so I didn't.


Brief 4 - Type based Animation

Finally, last brief. Text based animation. My original idea was just to have the text flipping around the screen and have the background changes colour, but during the process, they started to hurt my eyes, so I didn't end up flashing the backgrounds. I did the dots instead and synch them with the music beats. The first 2 dots were meant to be the piano, the middle one was bass/guitar (and maybe a bit of the vocal) and the last two on the right are for the random strings. I really like the simplicity of this piece, I know it's not anything fancy about the text but I think I've fulfilled what I wanted to do with this brief. That is, if this video made you feel at least the tiniest bit of goodness.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008


My friend showed me this animation when I was youtubing for cool clips for inspirations.. Found a lot of course, but this one was just funny to share. Haha.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Some nifty website..

I found while I was researching for an essay on Street Art that I am working on for a theory unit..

And some cool pictures I found in that website.

David Choe